Robin Williams 1951-2014


I’ve just heard the sad news of the death of comedy legend Robin Williams. The news is reporting he died from an apparent suicide. The press are going to pick over the details for days to come but instead of leading with questions like, what happened? Were there warning signs? Why couldn’t it have been Robbie? I’ll just leave you all with this memory of the man:

R.I.P to a movie great and genuinely funny man.


  1. Did you say “Why couldn’t it have been Robbie?” Are you out of your feeble mind………with people like you left behind on this planet after great ones like ROBIN have gone……….it just make you wonder.
    I have just followed your last post, Mr. Boyd. You are a very sad man!


  2. Nice little tribute Mike. I liked the Robbie joke (and I actually like Robbie Williams). At times like these it is important to mourn, remember and laugh. And I laughed at that. I will be watching Jumanji for about the 40th time tonight.


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