

Welcome! This is one of those shitty amateur blogs about movies by someone with no journalistic experience and a poor command of the English language. Now that I’ve seduced you into reading, we can commence!

This is the movie blog for you if you have an open mind about films. I’m the kind of guy who thinks Jean-Luc Goddard was in Star Trek and thinks Kurosawa is a motorbike manufacturer but knows how many bad guys Arnie kills in Commando*.

Screenkicker is over a year old and it has expanded into a podcast and now a YouTube channel! My friends Chris and Denis are the engines of the podcast and the video content which will be coming thick and fast in the near future.

So if you like films, and you can tolerate someone unqualified judging them then subscribe to Screenkicker today!


* It’s 81 by the way


  1. HEY! Wow! Dude! (Wow, ess exclamation marks would serve me well. Less wow-ing, too.) Your blog is amazing and I love the writing style and the layout is gorgeous and, well, instant follow! Love this. A lot. Cheers!!


  2. Mikey thanks for the follow and freedom of expression is mandated in this world as for your kenpo approach in your reviews, its fast and straightforward goodness 🙂 Cheers man.


    • Thanks very much! I see my approach as being more in line with shotokan and not kenpo. Actually i’m talking shit, I had to google ‘kenpo’ but thanks for teaching me a new word!


  3. Hello,

    I’m writing from CLD Communications, a personal PR company that deal with actors and actresses. One of our actors is going up to the Edinburgh Film Festival and we are contacting some press in advance to secure some coverage. I wondered if you could give me an email address for Michael Boyd so I can contact him regarding this?

    Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Helena Shadbolt


  4. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and following, because now you’ve given me the pleasure of exploring your blog! Although I don’t write a movie blog myself I’m seriously addicted to reading them. There’s one thing I have to know though. What would you say your all-time favourite movie (as of right now) is?


          • Planet of the Apes (the original ’68 version of course!) Not gunna lie, if I could get a time machine up and running, I’d go back to 1968 to dry hump Charlton Heston. Just to see what it was like, lol.
            I’ve loved that movie for a long time and don’t ever see it being unseated as favourite.


          • Planet of the Apes! I think I’m in love with you! It’s such an amazing film. I remember my grandad showing it to me and my brother when we were children. Good times 🙂


  5. Hi Michael. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your very personal and inspirational story over at projectlighttolife which is how I found you. I love your blog and I love movie reviews (always on the look out for those!) so I’ve signed up to follow your blog.
    I wish you all very best in life 🙂


  6. Hi there, I have just finished looking over your whole blog, reading each of your post and feeling really down because I know my blog will never be as good as yours. Awesome job. I am clicking the following button in a sec.


  7. We also love the Alien movies too. However, we would probably root for the Predators instead. Lol. Big fans of them! One of my blogger friends recommended us to watch Prometheus, so it sounds like a movie tonight with that tonight! Do you have a movie review for that on here? Just curious….


  8. Great blog – sending blessings for the follow! Maybe I’ll put up some reviews on some Aussie movies on my blog to share. Hope you enjoy the crazy adventures that I get up to with my family and friends. Peace Dany


  9. Thanks for the follow, looking forward to exploring your blog. Maybe I’ll learn something about movies since my kids are all under 6 and the next time I see an adult movie will probably be about ten years lol


  10. Hi Mikey! I’m loving your blog and finding you quite “loyal” to your craft; so I’m passing along the Dragon’s Loyalty Award to screenkicker! Details are here -> http://wp.me/p6ltkI-2z. Let me know if/when you get the chance to post it, and keep up your fantastic blogging!


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